Through the Glass: One Woman's Pursuit of Justice, Healing and Forgiveness

In November 2005, 30-year old Canadian Shannon Moroney was a respected educator, proud homeowner, active volunteer and happy newlywed. While away attending a conference, a knock at her hotel room door shattered the life she knew. It was a police officer, there to deliver the shocking news that her house


Shannon Moroney
Speaker, Advocate, Author, National Bestseller - Through the Glass


March 5, 2015 - 12:00 am


In November 2005, 30-year old Canadian Shannon Moroney was a respected educator, proud homeowner, active volunteer and happy newlywed. While away attending a conference, a knock at her hotel room door shattered the life she knew. It was a police officer, there to deliver the shocking news that her house was a crime scene and her husband, Jason, was in custody after confessing to the violent sexual assault and kidnapping of two women.

In her dynamic presentation, hear Shannon tell the story of her husband’s arrest, trial, sentencing, and the insights she gained about justice, healing and the relationship between the two as she struggled to triumph over tragedy. Openly sharing her experiences, reading selected pieces from her memoir, Through the Glass, and using photos and artwork to illustrate her journey, Shannon leads the audience through an unforgettable ordeal and inspires hope even in the most desperate moments of the human condition. She explains the principles of restorative justice and inspires individuals and organizations to consider how they can be applied in circumstances of crime and conflict to build peaceful, resilient people, families, workplaces and communities.


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