Susan Visser
Social Lead, Financial Services Sector - IBM AnalyticsStart
February 11, 2016 - 12:00 am
It seems everyone is on social media these days! Twitter alone currently has over 500 million members: Obama, Queen Elizabeth, and even the Pope have twitter accounts, as do most celebrities in the world.
Surely you can trust social posts from the Pope and the Queen but with the number of people taking part in social media, you can be sure that there are a large number of scam artists and less than truthful posts.
Social media is a very valuable tool for learning, fun, and conversations. But on the flip side, it has destroyed people, careers, and relationships. It is possible to take part and experience the positive side of social media while protecting yourself from the terrible dark side! Specifically, we’ll cover social strategies that include:
- Verify the validity of a claim or statement
- Understand how scam artists are using social media
- Protect yourself and everyone in your network
- Sharing techniques to avoid the spread of rumours or myths
- Eliminate the risk of being shamed due to innocent mistakes.
Post Presentation Links:
How to Protect Yourself from Online Fraud and Identity Theft
Scams and Frauds (RCMP)
Internet fraud for dummies: practical advice for protecting yourself against online scams
8 Things You Can Do to Protect Yourself Against Fraud
10 Must-Haves for Your Social Media Policy by Sharlyn Lauby
So You’ve Been Publicly Shamed by Jon Ronson
Surely you can trust social posts from the Pope and the Queen but with the number of people taking part in social media, you can be sure that there are a large number of scam artists and less than truthful posts.
Social media is a very valuable tool for learning, fun, and conversations. But on the flip side, it has destroyed people, careers,