InstaChoir - Moving Singing from In-Person to Online

Prior to COVID-19, choirs and choruses were flourishing throughout Ontario, Canada, and the world and InstaChoir was part of our local musical tapestry.  In fact, InstaChoir was created to give the fun and exciting group singing experience to everyone and anyone.  Participants would show up one evening, take in some


Jordan Travis
Artistic Director


October 15, 2020 - 1:30 pm


October 15, 2020 - 3:30 pm


Virtual Presentation   View map
Prior to COVID-19, choirs and choruses were flourishing throughout Ontario, Canada, and the world and InstaChoir was part of our local musical tapestry.  In fact, InstaChoir was created to give the fun and exciting group singing experience to everyone and anyone.  Participants would show up one evening, take in some fun vocal warm ups, and then jump in to learning a popular song in 3 part harmony with only a lyric sheet in hand.  All of this would be recorded and shared over social media in the upcoming week.  Since the pandemic, choruses, choirs, and programs like InstaChoir have been forced online and have come up with some amazing opportunities for people to continue to sing and create beautiful music.  Join me as we explore some of the ways InstaChoir has moved music making online to keep our singing communities not just surviving, but thriving!


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