Film and Society: A Reflection

"Does art reflect life? In movies, yes. Because more than any other art form, films have been a mirror held up to society's porous face."  ― Marjorie Rosen “Everything I learned I learned from the movies.” ― Audrey Hepburn As cinema becomes more graphic and explicit and society becomes more


Julian D’Angela
Coordinator of the Ancaster Film Fest


October 8, 2015 - 12:00 am


“Does art reflect life? In movies, yes. Because more than any other art form, films have been a mirror held up to society’s porous face.”  ― Marjorie Rosen
“Everything I learned I learned from the movies.” ― Audrey Hepburn

As cinema becomes more graphic and explicit and society becomes more open and global, these questions arise: Do movies influence societal behaviour and societal mores? and Do movies mirror changing societal behaviour and societal mores? One might expect that cinema must, in some way, do both. Throughout this recent era of film ratings, censorship concerns and increasing openness in film, violence and sexuality in cinema continue to be major areas of debate and discussion.The talk will consider a number of films and investigate these issues and their possible influence on and reflection of the lives and values of adolescents, adults, families and society in general.

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