Bryan Gilvesy
Farmer, Owner Award Winning Y U Ranch, Tillsonburg, ONStart
February 8, 2018 - 12:00 am
Farms have come a long way since the days when rotation crops, a few chickens and a few beef or pigs was the standard of the day on every farm. Today, farms tilt towards an industrialized model of mono-crops driven by technological innovation, all in the name of efficiency. But does this model have unintended consequences, implications external to the actual operation on the environment and our social cohesiveness?
New models have emerged based on a fundamental notion that sustainable agriculture would not only value farms’ economic impact, but their positive contributions to social well being and producing a better environment. This is the vision of the “multifunctional” farm, a place where production is not limited to food and fibre.
This talk will speak to these issues from the lens of the Y U Ranch and owner Bryan Gilvesy. Bryan will speak to his experience transitioning from a tobacco farm into a model for sustainable agriculture in Norfolk County Ontario. He will also speak to his experience as the CEO of ALUS Canada, a charitable endeavour that rewards farmers for improving the environment.
Post Presentation Links:
- ALUS (alternative land use services)
- Restaurants and partner shops
- YU Ranch products
- Contact Information YU Ranch … they are not in the tour business but if you are making an appointment to purchase their product, you can ask for a quick tour. They usually can accommodate a truck tour and if they have time will do a longer walk …Contact Information YU Ranch
- Norfolk County – Simcoe Farmer’s Market
- Norfolk County – retail farms
- Norfolk Country Map and Local Food Guide or call 519 426-9497
- St. Williams Forestry and Ecology Centre
New models have emerged based on a fundamental notion that sustainable agriculture would not only value farms’ economic impact, but their positive contributions to social well being and producing