Deep Words, Shallow Words: the values of water...

In an lively and engaging presentation, Dr. Alex Bielak will draw on his experiences in conservation organizations, provincial and federal governments, and most recently with the United Nations, to frame the global water crisis. He will describe how the language of water has changed over time. He will provide examples



November 8, 2012 - 12:00 am


In an lively and engaging presentation, Dr. Alex Bielak will draw on his experiences in conservation organizations, provincial and federal governments, and most recently with the United Nations, to frame the global water crisis. He will describe how the language of water has changed over time. He will provide examples of the work of the United Nations University’s Institute for Water, Environment and Health in helping meet the Millennium Development Goals, and speak about the ways research undertaken  “under the Skyway” (at the Canada Centre for Inland Waters) has helped improve the lives of Canadians. He will also suggest several ways in which we can all help in being part of the solution. Or at least in not making things worse!


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