Blood Ties

An off-the-beaten-track journey through some of northern Scotland’s more intriguing places. We’ll begin at an ancient village 19 miles north of Aberdeen, travel west though -  among other places – Coignafearn, the Glen of the Fairies, and via one of the most dangerous places in the UK. Our trip will


Mairi Fulcher
Chair, Program Committee, 3ALB


October 9, 2014 - 12:00 am


An off-the-beaten-track journey through some of northern Scotland’s more intriguing places. We’ll begin at an ancient village 19 miles north of Aberdeen, travel west though –  among other places – Coignafearn, the Glen of the Fairies, and via one of the most dangerous places in the UK. Our trip will end on a tiny island in the Inner Hebrides, off the coast of Argyll.  As we travel I’ll tell you a story – a story with particular resonance for we of the 55+ community.  We’ll have lots of pictures, some history, some geography, some observations, some reflections … and as the Aberdonians say, some good crack, though not the white powdery kind!


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