Balancing Ethical Priorities in the Canadian Immigration System

This presentation will highlight the following questions: Do we need immigration to Canada? Do we want it? How do we decide on a maximum number of immigrants? Arguments against limited immigration. Against an open door policy. Who do we want to come to Canada? Family Class applications ~ How far


Robert Young
Eisenberg and Yonge LLP, Specialists in Immigration and Refugee Law.


February 25, 2016 - 12:00 am


This presentation will highlight the following questions:

  • Do we need immigration to Canada? Do we want it?
  • How do we decide on a maximum number of immigrants?
  • Arguments against limited immigration. Against an open door policy.
  • Who do we want to come to Canada?
    • Family Class applications ~ How far do we expand the definition of “family? How do we define “spouse”? Who are “dependant children”? “Adoptions – special problems” Parents? Siblings?
    • Economic Immigrants ~ Types of economic immigrants – workers, people with special skills, business people/entrepreneurs. Failure of “investor” or “venture capital” type plans. What takes priority; regional or national needs?
    • Refugees ~ Special problems. Altruism or self-image?
  • How long do we let people come (i.e. temporary workers and short term “super visas” for parents and grandparents)


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