Kerry Bowman
Clinical Ethicist, Mount Sinai Hospital
Dr. Kerry Bowman has a Ph.D. in Bioethics, a fellowship in Cultural Psychiatry and a Masters degree in Social Work. Dr. Bowman is the Clinical Ethicist at Mount Sinai Hospital and teaches at the University of Toronto.
Dr. Bowman lectures and publishes widely on ethics in health care, community health care ethics, reproductive ethics, end-of-life care, cultural diversity, genomics and emerging medical technologies. He has consulted extensively on these topics in Germany, Iran, South Africa and The People’s Republic of China.
Dr. Bowman is also an environmentalist and founder of The Canadian Ape Alliance, is on the board of directors of The Jane Goodall Institute and is a consultant to The United Nations Environment Program. He has done extensive environmental work internationally with particular focus on the interface of human and environmental needs. He is actively involved in conservation projects in North Korea, Central Africa and Brazil.
ID | Event Name | Duration | Start Date |
The Rapidly Changing Landscape of End of Life Decisions in Canada | Full Day | January 28, 2016 |