Dr. Miroslav Lovric

Dr. Miroslav Lovric

McMaster University, Department of Mathematics and Statistics

Miroslav Lovric is a professor in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at McMaster University. His areas of research interest include differential geometry, mathematical modeling in biology and medicine, and mathematics education. Miroslav received his B.Sc. degree from University of Zagreb, Croatia, and M.Sc. and Ph.D. from Ohio State University.

Miroslav has given numerous public lectures on a wide variety of topics that link mathematics to everyday life, art, architecture and other areas of human endeavour. He has worked at universities in Canada, U.S., England and New Zealand. In 2016, Miroslav received two education-related grants: with a collaborator from George Brown College he plans to conceptualize quantitative literacy in health sciences and produce online teaching modules, and with the group of eight researchers from all over Canada he will study computational thinking.

Besides publishing in his research areas, Miroslav wrote textbooks on vector calculus and mathematics for life sciences, which have been used in universities across North America and Europe. In between the lines, his books convey a very important message: the more mathematics we know, the better equipped we are to understand a wide range of phenomena, problems and situations that are a part of our daily lives: environment issues, human population dynamics, climate change, dynamics of the spread of infectious diseases, and growth of cancer, to mention a few.

Miroslav has received numerous awards for his efforts in teaching and mathematics education at McMaster University, as well as at provincial and national levels. In 2001, he was awarded the National 3M Teaching Fellowship Award, and in 2010 he received the Adrien Pouliot Award from Canadian Mathematical Society, in recognition of his significant contributions to mathematics education in Canada.


ID Event Name Duration Start Date
Mathematics and the Beauty of Mosaics in the Alhambra Palace Full Day January 19, 2017


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