Dr. Anthony Doob

Dr. Anthony Doob

Professor Emeritus, Centre for Criminology and Sociolegal Studies, University of Toronto

Anthony N. Doob is a Professor of Criminology (emeritus) at the Centre for Criminology and Sociolegal Studies, University of Toronto. He graduated from Harvard in 1964 and received his Ph.D. (in psychology) from Stanford University in 1967. He has been at the University of Toronto since 1968, first in the Department of Psychology and later at the Centre of Criminology. He served as Director of the Centre of Criminology from 1979 to 1989 and was one of the members of the Canadian Sentencing Commission from 1984 until 1987.  He has written on a wide range of topics related to the youth and adult justice systems and Canadian imprisonment policies His current work focuses largely on the development of Canadian criminal justice policy.  Along with Rosemary Gartner, he co-directs the production of Criminological Highlights, an information service on policy relevant high quality criminological research – see


ID Event Name Duration Start Date
What is special about the Canadian Criminal Justice System? Full Day January 29, 2015


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